Free Love Spell Using Urine

One good side of this love spell is that it is free, and everyone loves free things. The major purpose of using this love spell is to bring back a lover. Maybe you had a breakup with your lover, and you want him/her back, this spell is meant for you.As for urine love spell, it does not have any side effect; your lover is not forced coming back to you. The magic only works by revealing who really you are to them.

There are handful methods of casting urine love spell. Some people prefer to go by the method of using urine and

sugar. Some opt for the method of urine jar. And some, urine freezer spell. Here, we will examine the various ways of casting urine love spell. Sit back and enjoy.

  1. Love Spell with Urine and Sugar

Here are the few easy-to-get ingredients you will need for this love spell:

  • A glass or plastic container (of small size) with a cover
  • Your lover’s photo
  • Your urine

Now, let us see the steps of casting urine love spell with sugar:Put your lover’s photo into the container, which is advisable to be of small size. With your partner’s photo still inside, fill the container with your urine, making sure it covers your partner’s photo. The essence of filling the container completely is that you will not want an incomplete love.

Now, add some sugar to the concussion and cover it. The next step for you to take is to dig a small pit that is deep and

Free Love Spell Using Urine

Witch bottle - Wikipedia
Free Love Spell Using Urine,A simple love spell using urine comes into reach when thinking of casting love spell. It is

absolute free, easy to perform, and the labor does not take long to bear fruits. Here, we will show you few and effective ways to go about casting urine love spell.

The three major urine love spells that will be discussed in details here are:

One hardly misses his way when it comes to casting love spell using urine; reason being that, unlike some love spell, urine love spell does not force your partner to love you. But even at this, it works wonders and it takes a short period of time to manifest.