Muthi Ukubuyisela Isithandwa Sakho Sakudala

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Umuthi Ukubuyisela Isithandwa Sakho Sakudala
Umuthi Ukubuyisela Isithandwa Sakho Sakudala

I-spell yothando yokubuyisela isithandwa sakho sakudala unaphakade. Sebenzisa lezi ziphonso zothando ezisebenzayo ukuze ubuyisele i-ex yakho manje! Ubudlelwano buphelile kodwa usenayo imizwa ngaye futhi okufunayo nje ukwenza lowo muntu okhethekile abuyele empilweni yakho. Uma ufuna indlela eqinisekile yokubuyisela i-ex yakho kuwe, lezi yiziphonso ezinhle zothando zokubuyisela isithandwa kalula futhi ngokushesha kuwe.

Ngaphambi kokuthi ngiqhubeke, ngithanda ukuphawula ukuthi lezi ziphonso akufanele zithathwe kalula. Ubudlelwano buphela ngesizathu, futhi umlingo awunakuthatha indawo yokuvumela isikhathi selaphe inhliziyo yakho ephukile. Kodwa uma uzwa sengathi ulahlekelwe yi-ex yakho ngenxa yenkinga yesikhathi esisodwa noma ukungaqondi kahle (okungukuthi, akusho ukuthi anizwani), kufanele unikeze lezi ziphonso zangempela zomlingo ithuba, futhi zama ukubuyisela i-ex yakho. WhatsApp/Shayela uProf Dama Ukuze akusize (+27838090988)

Spells To Get Your Ex Back Fast

A Spell To Bring Back A Lover | Umuthi Ukubuyisela Isithandwa Sakho Sakudala

The results of this love spell should be visible rather quickly.

What you’ll need:

  • A white sheet of paper
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 red candle
  • A photo of your partner
  • A red or black marker
  • Red ribbon
  • A black handkerchief or towel

This type of ritual should be performed on a full moon night so that the results are effective. To begin, write on a white sheet of paper the full name of your ex using the marker. It must be done 3 times.

Next, light the white candle and place it on the left side of the paper. Right after, light the red candle and place it on the right side of the paper. The following must be done very carefully, so as not to burn all the paper. You will lightly burn the right and left sides of the paper using the flame of the white candle. Then, burn the top and bottom sides of the paper using the red candle.

Now place the photograph and the paper inside your black handkerchief. Proceed to fold the cloth so it looks like a small package and tie it closed with the red ribbon. Once this is done, hold the package over the flame of the red candle, without touching it or burning the package.

Simultaneously, you should focus and visualize the face of your ex-partner. Say the following prayer out loud 3 times:

“Gods of the Most Holy Trinity, bring my lover back to me!”.

Then, you must place the package on the fire of the white candle and exclaim the same aloud.

Once this ritual is performed, the package should be buried in fresh soil. It could be in your backyard or a flowerpot. Wait up to a week to see the results. Once you notice that your ex starts paying attention to you, either by calling you or texting you, etc, this means the spell worked! Now find the package and dispose of it in a body of water such as the sea, river or a stream.