Love Spells Wicca

Love spells Wicca, Wicca Love Spells: Love Magic for the Beginner and the Advanced Witch – Spell Casting Recipes and Potions for Romance is a magnificent collection of spells and recipes for love, friendship, and lust. With over 100 spells, Benson’s book includes
spells for the beginner as well as the advanced. Ingredients range from including candles,
ribbons, roses, feathers, simple herbs and oils, crystals, and spring water. Although Benson provides the formula you might be looking for, results will depend on your level of expertise in the Art, and as such, results might vary.

Wicca Love Spells
Wicca Love Spells
Witchcraft has had a bad rep for centuries

unflattering depictions of witches, stereotypUng by linking witches to Satan/all things evil with the world, and deadly witch trials. Its portrayal has been pretty negative and often ominous, but nowadays witchcraft (particularly Wicca, a modern Pagan religion that incorporates witchcraft) has developed into a modern and appealing belief system. Just look at how frequently love spells and witchcraft feature in pop culture, from Harry Potter to Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.

These mainstream representations of witches are drastically different (wands and capes vs sex demons), but in reality, witchcraft has evolved into a growing practice with links to magic and nature. According to the 2011 UK Census, roughly 53,000 people identify as Pagan in England and more specifically 11,000 people identify as Wiccans in England. Our obsession with alternative forms of spirituality (i.e., astrology) and desire to move away from more traditional, arguably restrictive, forms of religion may have a part to play, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if these numbers continued to increase in the last 10 years.

For witches, a key feature of their practice incorporates spellcasting and one of the most popular types of a spell isn’t intended to be sinister at all: love spells.

Build Confidence and Find Love with Brittany Nightshades White Magic Love Spells.

Simple, well-structured Magic Love Spell Rituals from acclaimed author Brittany Nightshade.

The perfect Love Spellbook for beginners from any Wiccan path. This spell book has rituals ranging from building confidence in yourself to shaping your fate to put you on a path of long-lasting love. The key to doing love spells in a white magic way is in how you cast your intentions, you want to ensure that you are not forcing your will on another person. Instead, you ask the gods, goddesses, and spirits to put you on a path that will lead to true love.

This book of Wiccan Love Spells includes but is not limited to the following:

Poppet Spells for attraction

Love Spell Reversal Rituals

Aphrodisiac potions

Relationship Blessing Rituals

Broken Heart Healing Spell

Love Charms

Massage Oil Rituals

Attraction Rituals

Start your magical journey to finding true love with Brittany Nightshade’s White Magic Love Spells for beginners.

-Example Ritual-

Crystal Love Spell

This spell will imbue a crystal with a strong aura of passion. Carrying this Crystal on your person will make anyone in your vicinity contemplate a potential relationship with you.

You will need:

Clear or Rose Quartz Crystal


Red or Pink Cloth

Sea Saltwater

Sprinkle some sea salt water onto the crystal to cleanse it of any negative energies as it will need to be clear of any residual energies as you’re about to charge it with your own.

Hold the Crystal in your dominant hand and energetically say the following:

“Magnetism, energies bright!
Power unmatched, love! Delight!
Freya’s blessings! Strong and Right!
I charge this crystal with a blinding light!”

Place the crystal in the middle of the cloth and bring the corners together. Tie the corners together with the string and keep it on you whenever you want the attention of those around you.