Spells for Pregnancy

Spells for pregnancy, fertility spells, are you ready to get pregnant, is the Clock Starting to Tick Pretty Loudly for You??? Does it Feel Like You are the Only One Struggling to Get Pregnant? If this is Your Situation WhatsApp/Call Prof Dama on +27838090988, Let Your Worries of Getting Pregnant be a Thing of the Past. My Fertility Spells Will Help You Grant Your Wish to Become Pregnant. This book will show you the Power of Prayer and it Will Guide You on What Fertility God and Goddesses You Should Call on and Write Asking for This Strong Wish of Your’s to Manifest. No Need to Go to See the Fertility Statue when you Have My Magical Spell Chants To Help Grant Your Baby or Babies Wishes

Items Needed:

  • Small bag or pouch
  • Amethyst
  • Clear Quartz Crystal
  • Chrysoprase
  • Aventurine
  • Fresh Rosemary

Fill a leather pouch with one each of these stones:

Amethyst, Clear Quartz Crystal, Chrysoprase, Aventurine

Place fresh Rosemary under the bed when trying to conceive, and wear the pouch around your neck each time you try. This will increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

Once pregnant, keep the pouch until after you deliver to ease your labor pains and help ensure a safe delivery.

Before your baby is one month old, give the stones away, particularly to a friend who is pregnant or who is also trying to conceive.


Spells for pregnancy, fertility spells

Spells for pregnancy, fertility spells

Magic for pregnancy

Magick is not always difficult to create. Here are some simple, free and quick ideas to help you conceive that much-awaited child. They come from a wide variety of sources, some are traditional Wiccan, others quite unorthodox and some are more cultural things to try which are believed to increase your fertility. Wiccan fertility coloring pages are an ideal way to feel relax and happy. Focus your thoughts on Wiccan magic, pregnancy spells and your desired happy intend.
The actions of the raising, releasing, and directing energy are the most valuable knowledge you must have when working magic. Wiccan author, Scott Cunningham, describes magic as the act of stimulating your power and aiming it towards your goal. He writes: “Magic is the projection of natural energies to produce needed effects.” As you can see, the power is within you, in your mind. While coloring these pages, picking the suitable colors and using the chants or spells, you will intensify and enhance your magic power. Your mind will be relaxed, and at the same time, focused on your goal. Your mind will be clear of everything else, and you’ll hold your visualized goal in your mind like a light.Join the people all around the world who are raising and releasing energy and creating fertility magic.